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EU funds for a circular and resilient built environment

Inside the European research and innovation programme Horizon Europe, a couple of calls focusing on construction materials and on public spaces have been launched. Reflecting the values the New European Bauhaus (mor info on this EU initiative here), they aim to bring together sustainability, beauty, and inclusivity in the built environment and development of cutting-edge products or services. The objective is to contribute to reducing GHG emissions and embedding circular economy principles in the sector, by leveraging the power of creativity for the green transition.

The first topic – Exploiting the potential of secondary bio-based products – aims at a better understanding of the properties of products using bio-based material(s) derived from secondary sources by the construction sector stakeholders. The selected projects should also propose roadmaps for the industrial scale production or re-use of different types of products using secondary bio-based materials.

The second topic – New governance models for the co-design and co-construction of public spaces in neighbourhoods by communities –  concerns innovative engagement approaches involving the citizens in the co-development of public spaces, with an attention given for marginalised communities. The selected projects should contribute to an improved understanding by public authorities of these innovative engagement approaches (how those can foster openness, social cohesion, trust and acceptance and promote the inclusion of vulnerable groups). They should also ensure a better public acceptance of change and improved cooperation mechanisms between citizens and project developers.

Both calls have their deadline set on 19 September 2024 . Each topic has a total budget of 8 million euros that should cover 2 projects (EUR 4 million per project).

Need help?

If you’re based in Brussels, you can benefit from NCP Brussels free and confidential help to navigate this call. Please contact our colleague Bénédicte de Brouwer at bdebrouwer@hub.brussels.

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