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DEBATE: 24h for the climate

SEASON 2020-2021 Archi Urbain: How to reinvent architecture and town planning in the face of climate challenges?

Debate organized as part of the ’24h for Climate’ event initiated by the World Press Clubs Alliance for Climate. Around Mister Emma, 12 personalities from Brussels real estate discuss the question ‘How to reinvent architecture and town planning in the face of climate challenges?’, the common theme of the 2020-2021 season of the Archi Urbain program on BX1.

The entire video is subtitled in French, English and Dutch. To activate the subtitle you want to play, you have to click on the CC button in the bottom right corner of the video.

from caviar.archi on Vimeo.

Jens Aerts (associé urbaniste, BUUR, pour Be Sustainable); Steven Beckers (Circularity Expert, BoPro); Benjamin Cadranel (CEO, citydev.brussels); Xavier Denis (Chief Development Officer, AG Real Estate, Président de l’Urban Land Institute Belgium); Harold Fallon (Architecte, AgwA); Jean-Paul Hermant (Architecte, Jean-Paul Hermant Architectes)
Frederik Jacobs (CEO, CONIX RDBM Architects); Arnaud Regout (Administrateur délégué, BPI Luxembourg et CEO, Wood Shapers); David Roulin (CEO, Art & Build Architects); Pascal Smet (Secrétaire d’État à l’Urbanisme, Région Bruxelles-Capitale); Marc Somers (Architecte, Atelier Espace Architectural Marc Somers); Stephan Sonneville (CEO, ATENOR); Philippe Verdussen (Architecte, Archi 2000).

The ‘real estate’ debate was made possible through the support of Wood Shapers and the caviar.archi. 

Source: archiurbain.be  

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