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Call for Whole House Retrofit Solutions

ENGIE is developing a whole house retrofit solution based on the EnergieSprong concept. As part of the development of our solution we would like to identify innovative products that would assist ENGIE in meeting the EnergieSprong requirements in a cost-effective way.

ENGIE is currently developing a whole house retrofit solution based on the EnergieSprong concept (www.energiesprong.uk). As part of the development of our solution we would like to identify innovative products that would assist ENGIE in meeting the EnergieSprong requirements in a cost-effective way. For this Call for Projects we would to focus on the following 2 key areas.

  • Products that reduce the amount of time on-site using off-site construction techniques.
  • Products that improve the overall energy efficiency of the building including innovative renewable energy, heating and hot water systems.

Our ambition is to develop and produce a single retrofit solution with integrated fabric upgrades, mechanical & electrical, and monitoring components. The final solution will be built predominantly off-site and will be manufactured at scale allowing the upgrade of 1000s of homes across the UK.

Homes that receive the upgrade will see improvements to the energy efficiency, comfort levels and the desirability of the house. With the vast majority of works being off-site the residents will also have limited impact during the construction works.

We are looking for products and solutions that may be brought together into a single system to revolutionize the way we upgrade housing stock. With this call for projects, ENGIE wants innovative companies to draw our attention to their products and solutions that involve one or more of the following:

  • Off-site roofing and façade systems that improve thermal efficiency. 
  • Innovative renewable energy, heating, hot water and ventilation systems that can be installed quickly and maintained easily (i.e. accessed from outside)

Deadline for applications September 14th 2018, at midnight.

More information and inscriptions here

Source: Engie

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