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Accelerating the financing of residential renovations in Belgium

Belgium faces a significant challenge in upscaling financing for residential renovations—a critical step towards achieving their climate goals. On the 22nd of February, Climact had the privilege of sharing insights from our comprehensive study on this pivotal subject, conducted in collaboration with Energinvest, member of the cluster ecobuild.brussels, and supported by Financité. The mission was commissioned by SFPIM which contributes, as part of its mission, to the acceleration of the energy renovation of private residential buildings by positioning itself as a key partner in a financing scheme for households.

Their investigation tackled the challenge of leveraging existing practices both locally and internationally in terms of financing mechanisms and instruments and provide preliminary design for their application in Belgium. To that end, they modelled renovation needs alongside household financing capabilities and fostered stakeholder engagement to provide a roadmap towards detailed design and implementation.

To the 100+ attendees at this SFPIM event, five key outcomes were presented :

1. Additional measures are needed to accelerate energy renovation and reach the 2030 and 2050 targets.
2. Critical market failures remain, they must be overcome by leveraging private financial instruments together with specific public intervention.
3. A home renovation loan scheme can be developed to attract and leverage private finance.
4. The scheme opens the door to increased accessibility to private financing while lowering costs for homeowners and governments
5. OSS are key to support these mechanisms.

Source : Climat

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