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Kaleido Interieur

First eco-responsible project realized by Kaleido Interieur for the European federation of ethical and alternative banks: FEBEA. The project includes the renovation of 50m2 divided in 2 spaces: open space and meeting room.

As with every project, the design started with an analysis of the premises in order to take advantage of the existing elements considered interesting and usable. In this case, the floors and ceilings were preserved by creating a patchwork made of scrap OSB panels.

All of the cupboards, the plant boxes, the OSB panels on the ceiling and on the walls of the meeting room are made from reused panels and workshop scraps. This represents 33% of the carpentry materials present on the site and this is already a victory for us and for Stefan Eppe from Axilo who helped us to realize this project by proposing sustainable solutions, based on the rational use of resources and as far as possible, by using local and reused materials.

To highlight all this work, the lighting recovered from Batiterre has found its place directly and underlines the careful curve of the Regglo design desks made in series from panels recovered from the deconstruction of Brussels buildings. Local, design and sustainable, this project had everything to please us and encourage us to work together.

The challenge was met: all the furniture provided for this project is second-hand!

All the office and meeting chairs were found at Relieve Furniture, “the Vinted of office furniture” and everything else came from Market Place or Ikea second hand. I fell in love with these two stools from Machao Design. The touch of color and sunshine that the project was lacking.


  • Batiterre
  • Axilo
  • Relieve furniture
  • Regglo
  • Machao Design

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