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Place Quételet 7 1210 Bruxelles


+32 2 500 87 36

The Habitat Network is composed of ten members: a regional coordinating entity and nine local associations working in the area of urban renovation.

Our objective is to improve the quality of life of people and the neighbourhoods they live in.

We work in the following areas:

1) encouraging civic engagement, the use of public spaces by individuals in positive ways, and participation in urban renovation processes (public surveys, neighbourhood contracts, etc.);

2) fostering the sustainable renovation of homes;

3) solidifying partnerships with public authorities.

What sets us apart? A local, made-to-measure approach that focuses above all on the most vulnerable populations.

Regarding our activities most closely related to Ecobuild (area 2):

  • Our renovation consultants provide assistance, free of charge, to owners and tenants throughout every stage of renovations, whatever their nature or budget.
  • We provide information and advice on rational energy use and the best ways of living in our homes.
  • Our work includes promoting environmentally friendly construction the improvement of the energy performance of buildings.
  • Our assistance covers multiple aspects of the renovation process (administrative, legal, social, and technical).
  • We strive to ensure as many points of contact as possible with residents, including consultation periods, group information sessions, and public open-air events.

The non-profit associations:

  • CAFA
  • Convivence/Samenleven
  • CRU
  • Fabrik
  • Habitat & Rénovation
  • La Rue
  • Maison de quartier Bonnevie
  • RenovaS
  • Une Maison en Plus