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CERAA – Centre d’Etude, de Recherche et d’Action en Architecture


Rue Ernest Allard, 21 1000 Bruxelles


+32 2 537 47 51

The purpose of CERAA is to study, research, inform and take action in the field of architecture in the broadest way possible. It carries out research, studies, and actions on behalf of all public and private bodies or establishments.

For over a decade, CERAA has given itself the mission of helping architects and their partners implement sustainable development in their daily practice. Today, its work is primarily focused on the “eco-transition of the built environment”. That is, the design and transformation of buildings, neighbourhoods and cities to better meet the environmental, social and economic challenges of the modern world.

The team of researchers at CERAA is primarily made up of architects with professional experience in architecture and city planning in Brussels. As a result, CERAA’s qualifications are enriched both in terms of theory and in terms of professional practice. This provides the best guarantee for quality in the execution of the services they provide to society.