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Horizon Europe Cluster 5 Climate, Energy & Mobility Infoday and Matchmaking event

The EC is organizing an official Infoday devoted to the Horizon Europe Programme Cluster 5 Climate, Energy & Mobility on the 3rd February 2022.

The Cluster 5 work programme for 2022 has more than 1 billion Euro available for Cluster 5 projects covering a variety of topics such as: highly energy-efficient and climate neutral EU building stock, batteries and renewable energy. The EC Cluster 5 Info day will present the 74 open topics and provides insights to applicants on how to draft a project proposal. The full programme of the event and registration access can be found here:

The day following the CL5 Infoday an online Brokerage Event for networking and match making opportunities for potential applicants to support the building of proposal’ consortia will be organized. The programme and registration details can be found here:

For more information on these events and support with your registration you can contact: Sabrina Bijlsma, National Contact Point Cluster 5 (Energy & Smart Cities):