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Living Labs Brussels Retrofit : PrioClimat (2/3)

The main objective of Prio-Climat is to optimise, within the framework of the ‘Living Labs Brussels Retrofit‘ project, the renovation strategy of the social housing of the Foyer Anderlechtois in order to achieve a higher quality of indoor climate, aiming at the satisfaction of the occupants, while controlling the energy performance.

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Living Labs Brussels Retrofit : Modul’air (1/3)

The Modul’Air project proposes, within the framework of the ‘Living Labs Brussels Retrofit’ project, to study the application of prefabricated ...


OPLA ARCHITECTURE in the spotlight! One presentation, 15 20-second slides, no text or bullet points, a ticking clock… Welcome to ...

Living Labs Brussels Retrofit : Modul’air (2/3)

The Modul’Air project proposes, within the framework of the ‘Living Labs Brussels Retrofit’ project, to study the application of prefabricated ...