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Sustainable real estate – Shaping our future

Expanding knowledge & exchanging best practices

Brussels is considered a pioneer in sustainable construction and increasingly also in circular construction thanks to the many regional initiatives in this area.

For more than a decade now, the Brussels construction sector has been able to respond brilliantly to the self-imposed ambitious standards, which became an inspiration for New-York to follow. (Passive house standard mandatory in Brussels since 2015 for all new buildings).

In addition to the positive results in terms of CO2 emissions reduction for the region, job creation, gains in terms of quality of life and cost reductions, the entire value chain has gained in expertise by taking the risk of sometimes failing spectacularly but ultimately succeeding brilliantly.

It is now time to share these experiences on building exemplary buildings with the rest of the world.

In New York, the equal ambitious Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act requires New York to reduce economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions 40 percent by 2030 and no less than 85 percent by 2050 from 1990 levels. It is the perfect opportunity for Belgian companies to showcase their knowledge and build a better and brighter future for all.

Nine top notch sustainability experts will pitch their innovative solutions and services on how they design and manage urban projects that give more to the world than they take. Our common goal, to actively fight for the reduction of emissions, and ultimately to regenerate the harm that has already been done. Can only be achieved with a coalition of construction and real estate players sharing their technological solutions.


  • Date : June 8th, 2022
  • Timing : PM – 14:30 – 16:30
  • Venue : BEEX – Building Energy Exchange – 31 Chambers St #609, New York, NY 10007, United States


14:00  Registration

14:30  Welcome

         14:30  Isabelle Grippa – CEO

         14:35  Richard C. Yancey – Executive Director Building Energy Exchange

14:40  Pitches


         14:50  TRANE BELGIUM

         15:00  SUREAL

         15:10  AGC

         15:20  CITIZENLAB

         15:30  SHREDER

         15:40  B2AI


         16:00  A2M

16:00  Closing remarks

16:05  Networking

16:30  End of seminar