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Survey : The Afterlife of Facades

In cooperation with design and consultancy firm Bureau Bouwtechniek Ruben Van Vooren studies at VUB Architectural Engineering the role of consultancy to enable a circular valorisation of building components and materials. “By making the right assessements on time, consultancy has the potential to highlight opportunities for recovery and reuse,” he explains.

There are however many challenges and uncertainties, hampering the early involvement of a consultancy firm in small- and large-scale building renovations. “Therefore, we want to know if designers, both architectural and engineering, are equiped and skilled to initiate the right assessments,” highlights supervisor Waldo Galle.

For that reason they launched an international survey together with prof. Niels De Temmerman who invites all to participate: “Construction projects are realised by many people and organisations, so all points of view are relevant to us”. He also promisses that these few questions will provide a mirror to all professionals that will participate.

The survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes of your time. You can contribute to this study via this link :

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