Cluster membership provides access to a range of services, which we present below.

Networking and exchange
Events organises information sessions, networking events, working groups, work site visits and study trips.
International network has an extensive network around the world and, particularly, in Europe. The network consists of’ Economic and Commercial Advisors and of organisations met ...
NCP Brussels and European research programmes
NCP Brussels, your official contact point to access European funding for research and innovation.
Enterprise Europe Brussels, the instrument to help SMEs
Enterprise Europe Brussels, the instrument to help SMEs “Enterprise Europe Brussels, your local contact point to boost your technological and commercial partnerships”.
Project development
Guidance is the perfect relay for regional partners with the specific and indispensable expertise required to develop a business activity.
Innovation aims to stimulate and support its members throughout the innovation process. The cluster has defined three major action areas to meet its goal.
Business intermediary
Public procurement contracts
There are many incentives available to facilitate SME access to public procurement contracts. Here is who you should contact in Brussels, depending on your business ...
Business opportunities’ business opportunities are focused on two areas: a form for private individuals and regional public procurement.
Information sources
Technology watch publishes important information about the sustainable construction sector on a regular basis on its website and on its LinkedIn and Facebook pages.
In this section, you can view a range of different regional regulations that are useful to have on hand.
Promotion & Publications carries out a range of communication actions at regular intervals to make cluster members known to the general public.
Commercial fairs takes part as an exhibitor in national and international fairs every year, ensuring the visibility of cluster members.