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New Board for the cluster

The Board is an essential tool for the smooth running of the cluster’s activities. Meeting at least five times a year, it plays a crucial role in validating the cluster’s strategy and objectives, notably by determining how, as a network of experts, we can contribute to reducing the energy consumption of buildings, while integrating the overall impact of renovation on the environment. is delighted to present its new Board for the next three years. It is a diverse and talented team of experts with a unique combination of experience, passion and commitment to ever more sustainable and circular construction in Brussels.


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I am delighted to be joining the Board once again. I am an architect-urban designer by training with over 25 years’ experience. I was a member of the Board for several years and was elected Vice President in 2019. The development and continuation of the excellent work already carried out within the cluster over the last few years, in a field that is now essential to our professions, will be the driving force behind my commitment. This commitment is reflected in the desire to regularly involve members in order to encourage collaboration and keep them abreast of developments in the construction sector. Séverine Lits Head of Development & Communication assar architects.

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As an associate architect with AUXAU ARCHITECTURE, I am standing for a second term on the Board. AUXAU specialises in the renovation and refurbishment of buildings in Brussels. Eighty percent of our architectural practice is linked to the redevelopment of what already exists. We have been a member of the ecobuild cluster since 2011. This network of players in sustainable and circular construction in Brussels is the place where new synergies can be created to improve our practice. On the strength of my participation on the board, during which I learned a great deal and contributed my architectural perspective, I am delighted to be part of for the next 3 years.

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I have been an architect at CERAU for over 21 years and I work on medium and large-scale projects. For many years, we have been creating buildings that are ahead of environmental regulations (BatEx, BREEAM, etc.). Today, more than ever, we are integrating these principles into our approach, offering our customers eco-responsible buildings that are a pleasure to live in. As a member of the ecobuild board, I am committed to sharing my experience and creating the synergy that is essential for all those involved in eco-construction. Together, we will find the path to an ecosystem in balance with its surroundings.


helene rillaertss

Hélène Rillaerts, Architectural Engineer (2003), Team Manager, BUUR Part of Sweco (2014). I am active in the many facets of urban planning issues, and particularly involved in the cross-disciplinary consideration of sustainability. In addition to design, our role as urban planners is to bring together different technical expertise to shape projects that are efficient, resilient and tailored to user-friendly. Trade-offs are often necessary to achieve a project that is coherent as a whole: we carry out this exercise both as project designers, and when evaluating the performance achieved by the project.

At ecobuild, it is this cross-disciplinary approach to regional planning that I would like to bring to the table!

  • SUREAL – Hadrien CRUYT
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Let me introduce myself. I am Hadrien Cruyt, a consultant at SuReal, an office dedicated to making the real estate and construction sector more sustainable. We work on the aspects of energy, water, circular economy, re-use, materials, internal comfort, green spaces and biodiversity. My area of expertise is circular economy and the environmental impact of material choices. I am also a fervent advocate of biophilia, an underestimated tool in our fight against climate change. The long-term future of the sector needs to be shaped with the participation of all players, hence my motivation to join this Board and work together.


claude vermeyss

Co-founder and CEO of CC AUTREMENT for five years. Polytechnic graduate – specialisation in civil engineering. Previously manager for infrastructure and building construction projects in the public and private sectors.

Proud father of twin daughters, 36 years old, a lifelong resident of Brussels, citizen of the world. Passionate about travel and philosophy, opera singer and sailing instructor. Sensitive and empathetic, full of energy and motivation, but sometimes with too many ideas… I need to try to change things by investing myself to help humanity to best adapt to environmental changes, whatever they may be.

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Sophie Lefert is Sales Director at Valens, where she is responsible for the subsidiary’s business development within the Eiffage Benelux group. Her duties include developing and implementing business policy, representing the company’s expertise, and overseeing environmental and sustainability strategies. In addition to her business development responsibilities, Sophie attaches particular importance to implementing an environmental strategy aligned with Eiffage’s values. She is also committed to promoting sustainable initiatives, collaborating with internal and external stakeholders (suppliers, customers, federations, universities), and exploring innovative ideas to integrate them into the company’s operations.


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I want to do everything I can to make buildings sustainable and affordable, both as co-founder of OuiTransform and within Ecobuild. I am someone who brings people together and exchanges ideas, who likes to challenge the vision and the business model, and implement development strategies. With my enthusiasm and experience, I expect to be able to bring to ecobuild a different perspective on contributing to the development of companies, new services, attracting new members and encouraging their collaboration.


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Passionate about ecology for as long as she can remember, Camille Mommer has chosen to turn this passion into concrete action. A VUB graduate with a master’s degree in bioengineering sciences, she has acquired solid expertise in the areas of innovation consulting and project management. In 2020, along with five like-minded friends from Brussels, she co-founded Natura Mater. This innovative start-up’s mission is to accelerate the transition of the construction industry by facilitating the integration of sustainable materials: biosourced materials, reuse, integrated approach to sustainable practices, etc. Natura Mater helps architects, developers and builders meet the challenge of sustainability with a materials-based approach.


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Since 1995, I have worked in architectural firms, design offices, general contractors and for a real estate developer. I have been with AT Osborne since 2007 where I am currently a director and COO. I want to make the world a better place. I firmly believe that the linear economic model is a long-term folly.
My ambitions for the cluster: to develop supply with a focus on manufacturers and to stimulate demand by educating clients.

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Laurie Verheyen has been working in circularity since 2013, first at Beci at the Chamber of Commerce to support contractors in their transition, then since 2019 at, as coordinator of the IRISPHERE programme and the institution’s circular economy strategy. Today, at this publicly owned developer, she provides passionate, cross-disciplinary support to her colleagues in implementing circularity objectives: integrating criteria into development specifications for real estate projects, analysing bids and monitoring construction sites, as well as running business parks. Next step: to work on developing carbon-neutral projects. As part of the IRISPHERE programme, financed by the ERDF 2014-2020, Laurie has also initiated a public-private partnership through the Woodpark project with MCB Atelier and BatiTerre, the aim of which is to offer a logistical and technical solution to maximise the reuse of timber from (de)construction sites. It is an active contributor to the many discussions concerning the logistical requirements for facilitating the reuse of construction materials in general.



Johan Van Dessel has worked at Buildwise, the construction research and innovation centre, for 30 years.
Since 2019, I have been working as an innovation and strategy coordinator or manager, with the specific scope of the Green Deal. As innovation managers, we define Buildwise’s strategy and priorities, as well as its approach, in order to generate maximum impact in the sector, on the path towards sustainability.
Johan Van Dessel is also responsible for Buildwise activities in the Brussels region, including R&D. He is also a director of Greenbizz, the sustainable business incubator.
Finally, for a long time he has been the coordinator or co-coordinator of C-Tech, the technological service for sustainable and digital innovation in the construction industry.

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Wendy Boswell is an architect and represents the non-profit organisation CERAA on the Board of the cluster, of which she has been President for the past few years. CERAA stands for Centre d’Etude, de Recherche et d’Action en Architecture. Our organisation aims to support and guide construction professionals towards sustainable and circular architecture. In concrete terms, the CERAA offers consultancy, the organisation of training courses, site visits and other types of awareness-raising events, the development of tools to facilitate the implementation of sustainability principles in professional practice, and the assessment of buildings using tools such as GRO.

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Hello everyone, I am Aymé Argeles, Manager at Embuild.Brussels. I am an agricultural engineer specialising in soil and water pollution, with training as an eco-adviser. Since 1 January 2024, I have been managing the Sustainable and Circular Construction, Mobility and Logistics, and Innovation departments at Embuild.Brussels. Our mission is to support construction companies in the Brussels-Capital Region in their ecological transition. The Brussels Region faces major challenges: the construction and operation of buildings are responsible for 65% of greenhouse gas emissions and 33% of waste generated. Faced with this urgent situation, Embuild.Brussels, with the support of the Brussels Region, launched the Build Circular.Brussels programme in 2020, promoting a circular and virtuous economic model for construction companies. I am proud to contribute to this initiative and to share our vision and objectives with you today.

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Homegrade contributes to the sustainable renovation of Brussels’ built environment by supporting private individuals in their home renovation projects and encouraging them to make sustainable choices. The sustainable construction sector is rapidly evolving. With climate challenges and the energy crisis, we are seeing a growing interest on the part of private individuals in the option of more responsible renovations.

Anne Costa, an architect by training (self-employed for 15 years) and a consultant at Homegrade, is keen to extend her participation on the Board of ecobuild to promote closer links between industry players and private individuals.

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I am Flore Keymeulen, a chemicals and materials science engineer, and I work at ULB. On the Board, I represent the Research2b network, which brings together the various Knowledge Transfer Offices (KTOs) of Brussels’ universities and colleges. Researchers at Brussels’ universities and colleges have extensive expertise and cutting-edge technologies. They can provide support to cluster members on technological and societal aspects, particularly in the fields of energy, digitalisation and sustainable and circular construction. Research2B can help you find the right expertise within its network.