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SAVVY eco-responsible interior design


Avenue de Selliers de Moranville 50, 1082 Berchem-Sainte-Agathe, Bruxelles, Belgique


+32 493 50 54 99

Savvy is a VSE active in eco-responsible interior design (management and implementation).

Stephanie Cornet, the company’s manager, painter-decorator and interior designer provides eco-responsible interiors for shops and private individuals. On the agenda: maximum materials reuse, creation of furniture using recycled products (tables, consoles, wardrobes, etc.), creation of lamps, painting and wood treatment with natural products to ensure a healthy indoor environment.

Restored and upcycled furniture is available for purchase in the Yuman shop at 123 Chaussée de Charleroi, 1060 Brussels

See the Savvy Facebook page, as well as Instagram and LinkedIn accounts.