Baticrea provides assistance with consultation, coaching and administrative support to new entrepreneurs in the creation of their own business.
Baticrea focuses on eco-construction. It informs and encourages entrepreneur candidates to pay attention to environmental aspects and to train in eco-construction techniques.
In practice, Baticrea offers every one of its new entrepreneurs the human, technical and logistical means they need to develop their project:
- A coach, one-on-one or in group sessions.
- A team of accounting and management experts.
- Networking with other trade organisations and suppliers.
With this framework, Baticrea aims to help the builders of tomorrow create their own businesses via various complementary approaches:
- Create a framework which promotes the launch of their artisan construction activity.
- Guide their business line towards an eco-friendly and community-oriented vision.
- Develop a vision, a strategy, independence and management tools that ensure a long-lasting business.
- Help partners network.
After completing their coaching at Baticrea, entrepreneurs who launch their own business will have acquired:
- A precise understanding of their customer base.
- A work methodology.
- Responsive management tools.
- A network of supportive partners.
- Orders, a market and a commercial strategy.
- Financial means.
- Knowledge and expertise.
In proportion to their personal investment, they will have acquired the skills, independence and confidence they need to succeed at the professional project they are passionate about.