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Horizon Europe Partner search tool for Cluster 5 projects on Climate, Energy & Mobility now on-line!

GREENET, the European Network of National Contact Points for Cluster 5 has developed a Partner Search Tool to facilitate partner searches for cluster 5 consortia working on Climate, Energy and Mobility topics.

How does it work?

Any entity interested in applying for Cluster 5 calls and related partnerships and missions is welcome to register and create a collaboration profile, and start booking one-to-one virtual meetings with potential partners from other countries.

Meetings can take place anytime throughout the year and registration is open till December 31st.

Who to contact to get assistance?

  • For general queries, check the FAQs section
  • For specific assistance, reach out to one of the members of the Greenet Validation team
  • For further support for the development of your collaboration profile or any other support Contact NCP Brussels:  

Sabrina Bijlsma

Where to find information on Cluster 5 Topics?

Check out the latest version of the  Cluster 5 Work Programme for the 2023 /2024 calls.