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SAVE THE DATE: Brussels Exporters Day


Thinking about exporting but not sure where to start or which market to target? Join us for Exporters Day! Meet members of our international network in Brussels for a day and get answers to all your questions. A world tour in 8 hours.


Every year, our representatives and general delegates from around the world return to Brussels to meet with local companies eager to expand internationally. It’s the perfect chance to ask experts in your target market all your questions.

Not ready to export yet? Our neo-export team will be available at a stand to help you take your first steps.

This B2B session will feature conferences and networking opportunities to exchange ideas with other exporters.


The program will be revealed later on.

Practical info

  • Mulstisectors
  • Our representatives and general delegates will take 30 minutes for a conversation. If needed, they will be happy to continue the discussion via Zoom or phone.
  • Questions? Contact Elena Pavei 

Useful resources

Slots opening soon!