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Europe-wide survey on construction and demolition waste/by-product streams

The objective of the project Background Data Collection for Future EU End-of-Waste (EoW) Criteria of Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) – GROW/2022/OP/001 is to collect and analyse data and background information on construction and demolition waste/by-product streams. The data and information collected will be used to generate a priority list for end-of-waste criteria for the waste/by-product streams identified.

At the heart of this project is stakeholder participation in a Europe-wide survey. Its purpose is to gather information about various waste streams. The survey covers topics such as the demand, value, and existence of product standards for the material streams. It is open to all stakeholders until 31 August 2023, and the information collected will be used as input for further analysis in developing the priority list. The survey can be completed in English, German, French, Spanish, or Polish.