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Common pitfalls in retrofitting high-rise buildings

Lessons learned from over a decade of energy-efficient building in Brussels

Brussels is considered a pioneer in passive construction and increasingly also in circular construction thanks to the many regional initiatives in this area.

For more than a decade now, the Brussels construction sector has been able to respond brilliantly to the ambitious standards that were necessary to impose. In addition to the positive results in terms of CO2 emissions reduction for the region, job creation, gains in terms of quality of life and cost reductions, the entire construction value chain has gained in expertise by taking the risk of sometimes failing spectacularly but ultimately succeeding brilliantly.

It is now time to share these experiences of exemplary buildings with as many people as possible.

NYSERDA continues to create public-private partnerships with leading commercial and multifamily real estate owners to recruit best-in-class equipment manufacturers, solution providers, and other businesses to invest in low carbon retrofit technology development in New York State. They encourage direct collaboration among the world’s largest real estate companies, cleantech manufacturers, and solution providers worldwide.

There are gaps where innovation is needed – and these are areas relevant for and other regional clusters and innovative companies. These are big opportunities to translate what has already worked in Belgium and bring it to the US market.

On June 09th NYSERDA and Belgian sustainablity experts will meet up in New-York to exchange best-practices and make the construction sector future proof.