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Call for papers – Does sustainable architecture wear out?

Does sustainable architecture wear out? Posed in a seemingly paradoxical way, the question concerns the relationship between architecture, sustainability, and wear. While, in theory, it may seem obvious that architecture is made to be durable, that today it must be sustainable, and that it is destined to be worn out, in practice this raises numerous questions, tensions and contradictions. A call for contributions is open to both researchers and practitioners, to share their research and experiences on the relationship between architecture, sustainability and wear on a technical, economic or aesthetic level.

You will find the details of this call in the attachment or here: :

We would like to draw your attention to the following points:

  • Abstracts are due by 02/10/2023 (this call was first issued in February 2022, but had to be postponed. We hope that the new timetable will suit you)
  • Contributions are accepted in FR or EN
  • The proceedings of the study day will be published by PUL – Presses Universitaires de Louvain.
  • Participation in the study day and publication of the papers presented are free of charge.
  • This study day is organised as part of the winning project of the 2021 Leleux Grant.
l'architecture durable s'use t elle—affiche