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BeCircular launch event

The BeCircular project call supports all companies, cooperative associations, self-employed, non-profit organizations planning to set up an innovative economic project or a project for the transition to a circular economy in the Brussels Capital Region.The crowning glory: funding of up to 200,000 euros! The launch evening for the 2023 edition will take place on January 26, from 5 pm, to the BEL auditorium. See you there?

The BeCircular project call is an initiative of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region in the framework of the Regional Program for Circular Economy (GPCE) to financially assist the Brussels self-employed and businesses to launch innovative projects related to the circular economy.

Meet the winners of previous years and get all the information you need to submit a strong application!

On the program

  • Presentation of the 2023 project call
  • Inauguration of the 2022 laureates
  • Networking cocktail

I sign in for the launch party

Why participate in BeCircular

The BeCircular 2023 project call represents:

  • specific financial support from the Region (up to €200,000)
  • 6 hours of individual coaching by coaches with technical business expertise (marketing, finance, communication, strategy and commercial development, HR management …).
  • advantageous conditions to move into the premises of GreenBizz, the incubator for sustainable projects
  • promotion for the success of your project as a showcase for the circular economy in the Brussels Region
  • 4 categories according to the development stage of your project (Transition, Starter, Diversification and Scale-up)

Organized by:, Bruxelles Environnement and Brussels Economy and Employment

Any questions? Address them to Aude Grillot