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W4RES Call – Support Services for Women-led projects in the Belgian Renewable Heating and Cooling Sector

Does your business, organization or energy community operate in the Belgian Renewable Heating and Cooling sector? Are you conducting research or want to develop your project, initiative or start-up related to RHC?

If that is the case the W4RES team would be happy to help you for free and build together a more renewable and gender conscious future for the industry.

The expertise of their consortium of partners is already at the service of 28 projects responding to their specific needs:

  • Their business experts are delivering market and value chain analysis, sustainable business modelling, customized research of funding opportunities and training on proposal writing.
  • High profile universities among their partners are performing assessments of technical feasibility and environmental impact, analysis of energy demands and other technical consulting and monitoring services.
  • The far-reaching international network of the W4RES team partners is open and available to the participants, who are also guided in their search for innovation funding and strategic partnerships (for example within the context of the European Enterprise Network)
  • Specialized NGOs are offering gender-mainstreaming focused trainings and other capacity building activities to unlock the untapped potential linked to the participation of women in the sector.

To join these initiatives do not miss the chance to apply to the new W4RES call for projects! Contact the W4RES Regional Hub for Belgium for more information ( or